Tag: reflectionPage 1 of 2

Reading Interest Survey Response

How do you feel about reading? Tell me about it. I used to be a “gifted reader”. I started reading chapter books in Kindergarten with the Junie B….

Field Trip – District Resource Centre and Design Lab

We had the fantastic opportunity this week to visit the District Resource Centre and Design Lab, in the basement of Kootenay Orchards. If I’m being honest, I had…

Digital Portfolios

A digital portfolio is a way to organize, create, and share student’s work in a classroom. An example of a digital portfolio would be an app like Seesaw,…

Day 2 of EdTech Presentations

On Day 2 of watching my classmates’ Educational Technology presentations, we learned about a few forms of Virtual Reality and it’s applications in the classroom. Group 4: Virtual…

The Video Game Model for Learning

The Video Game Model is an amazing teaching strategy that can be used in all subject areas. Also known as Gamification, this teaching strategy involves adding game elements…

Day 1 of EdTech Presentations

While watching my classmates’ Educational Technology presentations, I learned about many different forms of technology that can be used in the classroom. Each of my classmates researched a…

Inclusive Classrooms using Technology

How can you increase inclusivity in a classroom using technology? How can you make sure that every student feels heard and included? How can every student participate and…

Scratch for Coding

Coding can be intimidating for those who are unfamiliar with it. When we think of coding, we may think of complicated lines of text. Many of my classmates…

Stop Motion in the Classroom

This past Tuesday, we visited Marysville Elementary to create stop motion videos with grade 3 students! In preparation, we practiced making stop motion videos with our classmates. In…

Graphic Creation Using Canva

This week in EDCI 336, we were introduced to Canva for creating graphics. I was familiar with Canva before using it in class, but I learned a lot…