… is a metaphor coined by scholar Rudine Sims Bishop. The metaphor to describes the diverse and transformative nature of books and encapsulates the multifaceted role that books play in our lives.

Windows: Opening Up New Worlds

Books offer readers a glimpse into worlds and experiences beyond their own. A book allows readers to peer into different cultures, periods, and perspectives, “real or imagined, familiar or strange”. Whether it’s a historical novel transporting us to a bygone era or a science fiction story envisioning distant galaxies, books invite us to see beyond our immediate surroundings.

  • “allowing readers a view of lives and stories that are different from their own.” – as defined by Jeanie Phillips

Mirrors: Reflections of Identity

On the flip side, books also function as mirrors, reflecting the diversity of human experiences and identities. When readers encounter characters who share similar backgrounds, struggles, or triumphs, they find a reflection of their own lives. This sense of recognition can validate and affirm the reader’s identity. Mirrors in literature provide a sense of belonging, empowering individuals by showing that their stories are not only valid but also essential to the tapestry of human narratives.

  • “when readers see their own lives reflected in the pages.” – Jeanie Phillips

Sliding Glass Doors: Inviting Understanding

The metaphor extends further with the concept of sliding glass doors. Books can be seen as gateways that, when opened, invite readers to step into new perspectives and experiences. These doors slide open to welcome individuals into narratives that may initially seem distant or unfamiliar. Through this process, books promote inclusivity, breaking down barriers and fostering a deeper understanding of the rich diversity of the world.

  • “when readers feel transported into the world of the story and when they feel empathy for the characters.” – Jeanie Phillips